Monday, December 5, 2011

Figure ANimation...Yay?

This is by no means perfect and I'm pretty sure I went about doing this the both long and wrong way, but *shrug* I just guess that I might as well post it before I try to animate it again.

Please, Ignore the long dark space when the video ends, I didn't realize that was going to be there when I rendered it.

...Okay there always seems to be an error whenever I try to upload, so I'm just going to drop this one in the Animation II folder.


Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Skin Paint Weights

Thanksgiving~ is coming right on up!

By the way, are these the right pictures you wanted?

Um, Yay? Is this the stuff you wanted?

Well, I hope so !

And Have a Happy Thanksgiving!


Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Skinning! YAY!

Well, yay! I might be running a little bit behind on this but I've already got the skinning pictures up so...Yay!

Yeah, so this is basically 'Jackie' attempting to run across a long narrow board (or at least that what I decided it kind of looked like).
Well, I hope this is good enough for now. The lessons shall continue tomorrow!


Monday, November 14, 2011

Bones Character

Sorry, I guess that I'm putting this up kind of late aren't I? ^.^`
Front View

Side Slant View

Side View

Aaaaaand - Part II as well!~:
Bones Positions:
From Front

From Left Front

From Other Other Front
Well, here they are in the so far.


Thursday, November 3, 2011

Ball Special - Hop-Skip!

Yay! It's done!
Once again, I hope it the video visible?

Well, tell me whether or not it's their and I 'll see if I can fix it then!


Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Here's the walking Ball...if it works

I don't know if this video will work. So far it's only played correctly when I used in it RealPlayer, so good luck!
...It might have worked?
Well, tell me if it didn't!


Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Coke Bottle ... sort of...

Considering that Maya completely and absolutely died on me four times while I was making this and kept deleating my work I'm pretty happy about how this all turned out.

Well, here's what there is.

~ Dremagon

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Final Kitchen Shots WHOO!

Well, if the title wasn't enough of a give away, here are the final picture shots from the textured and lit kitchen.
WHOO! Kitchen shot!

Under kitchen shot!

Above kitchen shot! get the idea right?

Fruit bowl

More fruit bowl...(and sink)
Whelp, here we go!


Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Lighting Images Set #1

Yay! A first set of lighting works! These do still need more work though...
HEY! Have Fun!

Love ^.^~


Friday, September 2, 2011

Friday, March 11, 2011

Friday, March 4, 2011

Camera on a path...sort of

So, this is my camera on a path...

And HERE is where we actually see through the camera!


Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Lighted Scene

Sorry, I thought I had already posted this.

Soooo how's the lighting for the scene look? Is it good?


Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Animation Movement of JARS! yes, it is very exciting

Yay! This has been done for a while and now I can finally up load it!


Friday, February 11, 2011

Maya objects 2

I added some bones, but I really don't like how their texture turned out. Do yo have any suggestions?

Is this thick enough for the tire?

Lesson 6 re-post

Is this working now? If it's not I'll just drop it into the Animation I drop folder.
The video isn't even loading so I'm just going to drop it in the animation folder.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Dremagon AfterEffects Title

I maaaaaay change this a little bit because I'm not quite sure I like exactly how it flows, but for now at least, this is what I've got.
....Okay, Blogger doesn't like me, so this will be in the Animation folder instead. Thanks!



Screen Images of the Extra Objects~!

Yay! Images have been modeled and they're (almost) ready to go!

See! Look, They aren't all tires!
Hehe~ The Vases were fun~!
