Monday, January 30, 2012

Falling Valentines Boxes

I wanted to get more practice with instances (and the arrows I was doing were giving me trouble) so after figuring the arrow problems out I tried out doing this with textures and lighting and everything.
There are gravity, turbulence, and vortex fields acting on the boxes as well.

These videos will instead be put in the Animation II drop folder, because blogger is refusing to upload them.

*Sigh*, oh well.



Monday, January 23, 2012

Rain and Flow Stream

Okay, I finally gave up on actually rendering this, because I still can't get any of the particles to show up, so this is a playblast instead. I hope this is good enough for now.

What are we supposed to be doing next now?
Well, here's to this video finally uploading!


Friday, January 13, 2012

Falling leaves

I would like these so much better if I textured them.
Well, here we are, for now.


Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Walking Ball - SWAGGER

This is probably a male since you'll seldom find any female you walks like this.
...I've been reading my new Animator's Survival kit; Expanded Edition, can you tell?
I really like the part where it went over how no two people walk to the same and the differences that naturally occur between men and women in their walks.
And sooooo.....A SWAGGER~!
Well, I hope this walk worked out alright.


I'm SINGING in the Rain~!

I have decided that I very much like making rain and play with the particle projectors. These are very fun!

Is just a playblast okay or do you want us to actually render out the video?
