Thursday, September 30, 2010


Yay! I'm updating again! HappyHappyHappy~♥!
*Ahem* So anyways here are 3 animations that I've managed to do in photoshop which is so cool because I didn't know that you could make animations in photshop until this!
Oh, and please note that the pictures used ARE NOT MINE. I just found them on the internet. All I did was animate them and give them a background. Truth be told I would have liked to do some more animation using arms and legs, but for some reason I had trouble finding any pictures with those body parts separated which kinda makes animating those components a little difficult.
ANyWaYs~ Hehe~ HappyHappy~♥!

Please click to view ~ ♥!


Hmm, these things are acting kind of weird...welp, here's to see if they loead or not! ~♥ ^.^-

Friday, September 24, 2010

Haunted creepy abandoned house~♣♦

Scary house
Original house picture (not mine!)
This house was incredible fun to do if not challenging. I feel like I have a much better grasp of photoshop now after this tutorial. It really mad you think of what to do for yourself and only gave pointers and some guidelines without either being too lax or too strict and letting us have enough free reign without becoming totally in what to do. It was a very good tutorial i think, and because I had to speak through each step by myself I really remember exactly what I did any how to do it again. i hope to continues doing projects like this, it really was a lot of fun!

CLUBS~! ♣ (because I'm posting this on he same day) and
DIAMONDS~!♦ (because I really wanted to put a diamond on this post~ ^.^-)

Random brush~!♣

This was an experiment of using random different brushes and changing their functions. Just really hope this picture loads. Anyways I had a lot of fun with this, I can't wait to expariment with it even more ^.^-~!
...okay now the blog for some reason can't upload the picture... so I guess I'll try and upload it again later...well And now it is UP! I think that blogger was just changing the way they upload pictures at the same time well Happy-happy now~!
.....FUN TIMES~!

   CLUBS~♣ !

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Spike brush!♠

Spike brush tutorial (plus clouds)
♠ because spades are awesome.
This tutorial was really fun. I think it's so cool how you can change around the brushes and their properties. I didn't know that was possible until this tutorial and it promises lots of fun. I can wait to really get experimenting with these. *insert evil laughter here* Oh fear those sho have given me the ability to create sparkles in photoshop Muahahahahaha~!

                                  ................I really shouldn't each fudge at lunch apparently...

Monday, September 20, 2010

Dang stripes

okay, well i think this  one was going pretty well, at least until I reached the stripes part which really messed me up. This tutorial was rather interesting,but I've got to admit that if I were to do this sort of thing again, but on my own I would be using a heck of a lot of layers on it. Man do I love layers. Y'know, seeing as how it's so easy to just ERASE the things you mess up? or hide the layers and try something different if you're not sure which is better? but still this tutorial really was interesting, I found it cool how it's capable to get such flowing effects on photoshop like this just through how you blend the various different colors together.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

WOOD Oops! Sorry forgot to post this texture~!

Here's another texture I made earlier on and forgot to post. The first wood piece I made that followed the directions step-by-step looked absolutely fake and horrible, so I redid it and got this, a much more realistic depiction. I adjusted some of the values from the original measurements and it turned out much better. Seriously, the first one was so bad that I deleted it, and seeing as we're talking about me, a person who almost never deletes and saves many staged copies of all picture and work, that's saying something.  I thought it was really interesting how the noise filters were used to made the lines of the wood grain and how the warping tools were used to make the knot, it was really fun to do once I adjust the values so that it actually looks real.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Photo compostion - Giant Tacks Have Been Spotted In The City!!!!

This photo composition was made with three different pictures: the city, the sky, and the tack. This was really interesting to make and I really like doing this picture. The fading erasers, color changes and other techniques on this tutorial shows just how to really integrate two different photos and/or objects and make them look completely real.  The merging of the photo graphs and the color changes mad through the various editing layers I found very interesting and creative. I hope that I can make very good use of these techniques in the future as they are very interesting and create such realistic looking photographic effects.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Blending brush Tree and Fence~♦

I really like this tutorial. Towards the end the picture started looking less like it was supposed to and more like a blockier style of painting, but it still fits most of the main requirements. I'm pretty sure that I could get it perfect if I did it again. I can't wait to try this more at home~! *grins* symbol of my day: ♦

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Liquifiying -- VERY easy to Hate

BEWARE! the Wolf-Sheep Thingy!
I officially DESPISE this liquifiying tutorial. My animal did not come out looking real at all! The fur is all smudged and looks really bad, but it's just going to have to do for now, because I have realized that fur does not react well to the liquifying tools. I'll admit it's not as bad as it could have been, but I still don't really the like the way that this all warped out. Next time; more fuzz, less fur. That should give us a smoother finish.

More skin textures!

Palace of the Sun
This was fun! I used a texture I created  and applied it to my picture the same way as I did stone man. I over laid my texture on a layer on top of my base picture. I changed the texture layer's format to multiply and lower the opacity and fill of the texture and then erased the excess. Afterwords I use the burn, sharpen, and dodge tools to add light and depth to the picture. I repeated to process with each of the hands. hehe~ I've got to try and do more of this kinda stuff more often~♥!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Applying and Creating Textures ~1!♥♦♣♠

Today we used various filters to apply textures to various objects. Here's what I did!
Here's stone man. This tutorial was really fun to do, we used different layers and layer properties mostly to edit this and then some hue/saturation tools on the eyes and other colors to influence to influence the color of the face.

The rock texture was created by using cloud filters and lighting effects the rock looks much more grainy and granite-like if you add more noise in the earlier steps. Also surprisingly simple to make then perceived from it's complex appearance.

Monday, September 6, 2010

First Photo edits!

Pineapple Girl! I'm not really that happy with it, but for my first edit ever I think it's pretty good. I primarily used layer masked and some layer duplicated part of the images to form this before I used the dodge, burn, and smear tools to sharpen the line between the girl's head and the pineapple. The background is also a separate picture entirely.

                 YAY~! ^///^  ~♥~
Second Picture!
The calico cat tortoise I made using layer masks and by cutting out and rotating the tortoise shell on another level. Layer masks were used on a separated copy of the cat's head and the burn and sharpen tools were used to make it stand out from the shell which I used the hue/saturation tool one the adjust the colors.

I'm not really happy with these two, but hey, first try right? I'll just have to make sure that I make them better next time.