Thursday, September 30, 2010


Yay! I'm updating again! HappyHappyHappy~♥!
*Ahem* So anyways here are 3 animations that I've managed to do in photoshop which is so cool because I didn't know that you could make animations in photshop until this!
Oh, and please note that the pictures used ARE NOT MINE. I just found them on the internet. All I did was animate them and give them a background. Truth be told I would have liked to do some more animation using arms and legs, but for some reason I had trouble finding any pictures with those body parts separated which kinda makes animating those components a little difficult.
ANyWaYs~ Hehe~ HappyHappy~♥!

Please click to view ~ ♥!


Hmm, these things are acting kind of weird...welp, here's to see if they loead or not! ~♥ ^.^-

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