Monday, September 6, 2010

First Photo edits!

Pineapple Girl! I'm not really that happy with it, but for my first edit ever I think it's pretty good. I primarily used layer masked and some layer duplicated part of the images to form this before I used the dodge, burn, and smear tools to sharpen the line between the girl's head and the pineapple. The background is also a separate picture entirely.

                 YAY~! ^///^  ~♥~
Second Picture!
The calico cat tortoise I made using layer masks and by cutting out and rotating the tortoise shell on another level. Layer masks were used on a separated copy of the cat's head and the burn and sharpen tools were used to make it stand out from the shell which I used the hue/saturation tool one the adjust the colors.

I'm not really happy with these two, but hey, first try right? I'll just have to make sure that I make them better next time.

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